Pensa Brasil - Uma visão geral

Jair Messias Bolsonaro (1955–) is a morally bankrupt Brazilian nut job politician worshipped by the Brazilian right. A former congressman and the current president of Brazil,[3] Bolsonaro is considered one of the most evil right-wing politicians on the planet within the 21st century.

With the rush to create a vaccine having a Chinese one in the lead, CoronaVac, Bolsonaro was quick to state that the vaccination won't be mandatory and that the Chinese vaccine, specifically, won't enter the country, citing that it doesn't have approval from government agencies. Of course, that is a blatant lie, first because the vaccine would be produced in Brazil, as a partnership between Sinovac, the Chinese company, and Butantan Institute, a Brazilian public institution that develops several vaccines, antidotes and drugs. Second, Anvisa, the agency that regulates drugs and vaccines, never found any problems with Sinovac in the years that the company worked within the country.

The current suspects of the shooting, Ronnie Lessa and Elcio de Queiroz (pelo relation to Fabricio), had their movement traced and it led the investigation to the condo where Bolsonaro has a mansion. At first, any relation to him could be discarded as mere coincidence, as the house the duo visited was of another person, who got busted for possessing a stock of 117 M-16 rifles, this in March 13th. However, the condo's porter stated to the police that he remembers people asking to go to Bolsonaro's house on the day of the crime, which is what he also wrote down on the entrance papers. Once the news broke out, Bolsonaro and his family went into a frenzy, with the patriarch doing a livestream and bellowing at Globo, threatening the group to remove their TV concession and effectively shutting down the channel.

Recently, socialist presidents that came before me embezzled hundreds of billions of dollars, corrupting part of our media and our Parliament, all for a project to attain absolute power. They were judged and punished thanks to the patriotism, perseverance and bravery of a judge who is an icon in my country: Dr. Sérgio Moro, our current Minister ofJustice and Public Security.

The mass suicide at Jonestown was the final episode of this tragic story — the end result of a personality cult around Jones, a paranoid narcissist. Jim Jones was enthralling, persuasive and power-hungry. He thrived Covid-19 on attention, adoration and adulation.

Four human coronaviruses produce symptoms that are generally mild, even though it is contended they might have been more aggressive in the past:[93]

When India and South Africa asked for a temporary waive of patents so anyone could produce their versions of approved vaccines, Brazil, who would normally side with such an initiative, was against it[105].

Six species of human coronaviruses are known, with one species subdivided into two different strains, making seven strains of human coronaviruses altogether.

The earliest reports of a coronavirus infection in animals occurred in the late 1920s, when an acute respiratory infection of domesticated chickens emerged in North America.[16] Arthur Schalk and M.C. Hawn in 1931 made the first detailed report which described a new respiratory infection of chickens in North Dakota. The infection of new-born chicks was characterized by gasping and listlessness with high mortality rates of 40–90%.[17] Leland David Bushnell and Carl Alfred Brandly isolated the virus that caused the infection in 1933.

El viaje, de que sería el primero por un dispositivo motorizado en otro planeta, permitirá recopilar datos invaluables A respeito de las condiciones por vida en el planeta rojo.

We can Notícias do Brasil forgive, but we cannot forget. That quote is mine. Those that forget their past are sentenced not to have a future.

Para Mauro Mendes, a estupidez possui caracterizado 1 posicionamento do várias pessoas diante da vida no mundo contemporâneo.

W Guilherme Boulos e cannot accept that a President, Macron, issues inappropriate and gratuitous attacks against the Amazon, nor that he disguises his intentions behind an ‘alliance’ of the G-7 countries to ‘save’ the Amazon, as if it were a colony or pelo man’s land.

The scum of the world is coming to Brazil as if we did not already have enough problems to solve.[37]

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